2022-09-20 17:19 |
A high-intensity H- LINAC at CERN based on LEP-2 cavities
/ Vretenar, M. (CERN)
/SPL Study Group Collaboration
In view of a possible evolution of the CERN accelerator complex towards higher proton intensities, a 2.2 GeV H- linac with 4 MW beam power has been designed, for use in connection with an accumulator and compressor ring as proton driver of a muon-based Neutrino Factory. The high-energy part of this linac can use most of the RF equipment (superconducting cavities and klystrons) from the LEP collider after its decommissioning at the end of 2000. [...]
physics/0008142; LINAC2000-TU206; CERN-NUFACT-Note-40; CERN-PS-2000-059-RF.-
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 5 p.
- Published in : eConf C: 000821 (2000) , pp. TU206
Fulltext: CERN-PS-2000-059-RF - PDF; arXiv:physics_0008142 - PDF;
In : 20th International Linear Accelerator Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 21 - 25 Aug 2000, pp.TU206
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2020-03-19 07:03 |
FCC-ee Operation Model, Availability & Performance
/ Zimmermann, Frank (CERN) ; Apollonio, Andrea (CERN) ; Benedikt, Michael (CERN) ; Brunner, Olivier (CERN) ; Funakoshi, Yoshihiro (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Milardi, Catia (Frascati) ; Myers, Stephen (CERN) ; Niemi, Arto (Tampere U. of Tech.) ; Oide, Katsunobu (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Qin, Qing (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) et al.
This document discusses the machine parameters and expected luminosity performance for the proposed future circular lepton collider FCC-ee. Particular emphasis is put on availability, physics run time, and efficiency. [...]
JACOW, 2019 - 7 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-eeFACT2018-WEPAB03
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 62nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e− Colliders, Hong Kong, China, 24 - 27 Sep 2018, pp.WEPAB03
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2018-08-11 07:06 |
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2018-07-12 07:04 |
Heavy Quark Physics At LEP1
/ Batley, Richard (Cambridge U.)
Some recent b and c quark physics result from analysis of multihadronic $Z^0$ decays at LEP 1 are reviewed. Topics covered include: charm hadron spectroscopy, measurements of the b quark semileptonic branching ratio, charm counting in b decays, and $B^0 - \bar{B}^0$ oscillations..
Paris : Edition Frontieres, 1998 - 9 p.
- Published in : , pp. 395-404
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 33rd Rencontres de Moriond : Leptonic Session, Les Arcs, France, 14 - 21 Mar 1998, pp.395-404
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2018-07-12 07:04 |
Review of searches for supersymmetric particles at LEP
/ Maggi, M (INFN, Bari)
The data collected by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP at $\sqrt{s}$ = 183 GeV are analysed to search for supersymmetric particles. No evidence for the production of any such particles is found. [...]
Paris : Edition Frontieres, 1998 - 10 p.
- Published in : , pp. 117-128
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 33rd Rencontres de Moriond : Leptonic Session, Les Arcs, France, 14 - 21 Mar 1998, pp.117-128
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2018-07-12 07:04 |
Triple Couplings Of Electroweak Gauge Bosons At LEP2
/ Jousset, Jacques (Clermont-Ferrand U.)
The non-abelian self-couplings of electroweak gauge bosons (TGC)$\gamma W^+ W^-Z^0$ is one of the most important consequences of the SU(2)L x U(1)y symmetry of the standard model. Their measurements and the search of possible anomalous values is one of the main physics goal at LEP2 [...]
Paris : Edition Frontieres, 1998 - 5 p.
- Published in : , pp. 77-82
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 33rd Rencontres de Moriond : Leptonic Session, Les Arcs, France, 14 - 21 Mar 1998, pp.77-82
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2018-07-12 07:04 |
The $b$ Forward-backward Asymmetry At LEP
/ Abbaneo, Duccio (CERN)
Measurements of the b forward-backward asymmetry at LEP are reviewed. The results are corrected for QED and QCD radiative effects, to extract the electroweak b asymmetry $A^{0,b}_{FB}$ The new procedure implemented for evaluating QCD corrections is shortly discussed. [...]
Paris : Edition Frontieres, 1998 - 8 p.
- Published in : , pp. 11-18
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 33rd Rencontres de Moriond : Leptonic Session, Les Arcs, France, 14 - 21 Mar 1998, pp.11-18
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2018-06-30 06:07 |
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2018-06-24 09:59 |
Measurement of the |V(cs)| using W-decays at LEP-2
/ Battaglia, M (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Erzen, B (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Golob, B (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Liko, D (CERN) ; Podobnik, T (CERN ; Oxford U. ; Ljubljana U.) ; Stanic, S (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Tomaradze, A (Antwerp U.)
DELPHI-CONF-97-114 ; HEP-97-535.
1997. - 15 p.
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2018-06-24 09:59 |
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