2025-03-05 14:40 |
Report from the Conventional Beams Working Group to the Physics Beyond Colliders Study and to the European Strategy for Particle Physics
/ Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Banerjee, Dipanwita (CERN) ; Baratto Roldan, Anna (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Nikolaos (CERN) ; d'Allesandro, Gian Luigi (CERN) ; Van Dijk, Maarten (CERN) ; Doble, Niels (CERN) ; Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Gatignon, Lau (Lancaster University (GB)) et al.
This document summarises the main conclusions of the Conventional Beams Working group, which has analysed the beam-related and technical requirements and requests in the proposals to the Physics Beyond Colliders study, mainly for the North Area at the CERN SPS. We present results from studies on feasibility, requirements, compatibility between proposals and, where possible, the order of magnitude of the costs. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2025
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2025-02-19 07:22 |
2024 CERN openlab Annual Report
/ Velho, Mariana (CERN)
CERN openlab Annual Report highlighting the projects and achievements for the year of 2024..
Geneva : CERN, 2025 - 68.
Fulltext: 2024 CERN openlab Annual Report (A4s) - PDF; 2024 CERN openlab Annual Report (Spreads) - PDF;
Notice détaillée - Notices similaires
2025-02-18 06:49 |
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2025-02-14 15:03 |
State-of-the-art cross sections for ttH: NNLO predictions matched with NNLL resummation and EW corrections
/ Balsach, Roger (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Munster, D-48149 Munster, Germany) ; Broggio, Alessandro (Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria) ; Devoto, Simone (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium) ; Ferroglia, Andrea (Physics Department, New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York, 300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA & The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA) ; Frederix, Rikkert (Department of Physics, Lund University, SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden) ; Grazzini, Massimiliano (University of Zurich (CH)) ; Kallweit, Stefan (University of Zurich (CH)) ; Kulesza, Anna (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Munster, D-48149 Munster, Germany) ; Mazzitelli, Javier (Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland) ; Motyka, Leszek (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagellonian University,S.Lojasiewicza11,30-348Krakow,Poland) et al.
We present new, state-of-the-art predictions for the associated production of the SM Higgs boson with top quarks, computed in accordance with the recommendations of the LHC Higgs Working Group. The NNLO QCD predictions, derived through suitable approximations of the two-loop virtual contribution, are supplemented with soft-gluon resummation up to NNLL accuracy. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2025
Fulltext: PDF;
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